Thursday, February 12, 2015

Curating Web Resources With Social Bookmarking


Sorting through millions of pages on the web to curate resources can be a daunting task.  Through the use of social bookmarking, resources can be tagged and saved to the cloud.  Richardson (2010) refers to utilizing social bookmarking sites as a way to organize, annotate, tag, and share information. Some sites have the option to find individuals or groups with similar interests, and resources can be shared among them. Social bookmarking can be a very robust tool to use in education as teachers can curate and share great resources easily.

Diigo is a social bookmarking site and with a mouse click, you are able to tag, highlight text, annotate, capture a picture, add a sticky note, and bookmark to a list within My Library.  In looking at Twitter resources, I decided to add them to my library in Diigo. To share those resources I can simply choose the tag for Twitter, a list populates, and the list can be shared. One feature that will help further my PLN, personal learning network, is that both group and individuals and their resources shared as public can be found through a search feature. I found several leading Instructional Technology experts and now follow them on Diigo as well as Twitter. Being able to search their libraries is like opening a treasure chest and finding a gold mine of instructional technology resources.

There are many ways Diigo can be used in the classroom. Private groups can be set up for classes and resources shared pertaining to specific projects. Teachers can share annotated links with either individuals or groups, and they can make comments. A threaded message feature allows conversations to evolve among teacher and classmates. Students can load the Diigo app onto their personal device and access resource lists from anywhere. Teachers have access to tools like widgets and word clouds that can be added to their blogs. I have added the Diigo Tagroll to my blog on the right. In coaching, I will use the Diigo app on my tablet and phone which will allow me to retrieve and share resources easily. Diigo will prove to be a very powerful tool and one I will utilize often in my coaching playbook.

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web
      tools for classrooms. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oak, California: Corwin.
By RRZEicons (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, February 9, 2015

Animoto & Glogster

To register for Glogster - (School Code will be provided by Instructor)

Video tutorials are below:

How-to use Glogster:

How-to use the Glogster iPad App videos:

Animoto Racial Identity Development assignment ** If you create a project on a mobile device, you can finish editing the video on the web. You cannot revert back to the mobile device once opened with our online website. However, this does not work the other way around. If you create a project with our online website, then you will not be able to access or view the video on your mobile device.***

To Sign-up
  Learn more about an educator account

Education account allows for 10 second video clips, up to 10 minute video, and you can have one song. You are allowed about 50 styles out of the 94 styles that are offered. 


Excerpts (from songs) should include no more than 10 percent of the whole work or no more than 30 seconds in length.
 - See more at:

Jamendo -  (Royalty free music)

Google Images: (choose Images via Search Tools - then for reuse or noncommercial reuse)

Common Sense Media: (Images, Music)

Copyright types:
(1) CC-BY (Attribution) : enables users to distribute, remix, arrange, and adapt your work, even for commercial purposes, provided that credit of the original creation of the Work is attributed to you by citing your name. 

(2) CC-BY-SA (Attribution - Sharing under the Same Conditions) : enables users to remix, arrange, and adapt your Work, even for commercial purposes, provided that credit is given to you by citing your name and that the creations derived from your Work are distributed under identical conditions. 

(3) CC-BY-ND (Attribution - No Derivative Works) : allows redistribution, whether or not for commercial purposes, provided that the original work is distributed unmodified and in its entirety, with attribution and citing of your name. 

(4) CC-BY-NC (Attribution - Non-commercial Use) : enables users to remix, arrange, and adapt your Work for non-commercial purposes and, although the creations derived from your Work must credit you by citing your name and not constitute a commercial use, they shall not be distributed under the same conditions. 

(5) CC-BY-NC-SA (Attribution - Non-commercial Use - Sharing under the Same Conditions) : enables users to remix, arrange and adapt your work for non-commercial purposes provided that you are credited by citing your name and that the creations derived from your Work are distributed under the same conditions. 

(6) CC-BY-NC-ND (Attribution - Non-commercial Use - No Derivative Works) : this license only authorizes users to download and share your Works provided that you are credited by citing your name, but they may not be modified in any way whatsoever nor used for commercial purposes.

Digital Storytelling Resources